Saturday, August 23, 2008

Times, they are a changin'

Well, well, well.  Am I ready for life as a mother?  That is highly debatable.  At 39, I was not aware that the last few years would change my life so much.  Marriage, and now a child.  Officially starting my 3rd month and everything is ok so far-other than the baby sucking the life out of me and making me sick.  I'm amazed that something so damn small can effect me so much.  I am excited and frightened all at the same time.  How will I run a business and a household.  Women all over the world do it so why does it freak me out so much.  The words of my bride last weeks keep running through my mind. "Well, my florist can't do my flowers now because she went and got pregnant".  Well, she is going to have to deal with me as well.  Will this deter couples from getting married here if they know that the coordinator will be full on pregnant for their wedding? I guess I will take it one day at a time.  To take my mind off of it I will submerge myself in sleep.  I REALLY like sleep lately.   

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